IGI Announces Commitment to Global Efforts Supporting Online Safety and Privacy for Cybersecurity Awareness Month 

This year’s initiative highlights the importance of empowering individuals and organizations to better protect their part of cyberspace in an increasingly connected world 

PITTSFORD, NY / October 13, 2020 — IGI (OTC:IMCI) has committed as a Champion of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, held annually in October, joining a growing global effort to promote the awareness of online safety and privacy. The Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champions Program is a collaborative effort among businesses, government agencies, colleges and universities, associations, nonprofit organizations and individuals committed to this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme of ‘Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.’ The program aims to empower individuals and organizations to own their role in protecting their part of cyberspace.   

The overarching message of this year’s theme, ‘If you Connect it, Protect it,’ dives into the importance of keeping connected devices safe and secure from outside influence. More than ever before, connected devices have been woven into society as an integral part of how people communicate and access services essential to their well-being. Data collected from these devices can detail highly specific information about a person or business which can be exploited by bad actors for their personal gain. 

“This year’s theme is completely aligned with the purpose of IGI’s patent-pending vulnerability monitoring solution, Nodeware®,” said President and COO Andrew Hoyen. “Nodeware inventories all connected devices on a network, identifies their vulnerabilities, and helps users close critical security gaps that could leave them exposed to cyber criminals.” 

Cybersecurity Awareness Month aims to shed light on device-driven security vulnerabilities, while offering guidance surrounding simple security measures to limit the susceptibility of threats for commonly used devices. 

Now in its 17th year, Cybersecurity Awareness Month continues to build momentum and impact with the ultimate goal of providing everyone with the information they need to stay safer and more secure online. IGI is proud to support this far-reaching online safety awareness and education initiative which is co-led by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

“Cybersecurity is important to the success of all businesses and organizations. NCSA is proud to have such a strong and active community helping to encourage proactive behavior and prioritize cybersecurity in their organizations,” said Kelvin Coleman, Executive Director, NCSA. 

For more information about Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2020 and how to participate in a wide variety of activities, visit staysafeonline.org/cybersecurity-awareness-month/. You can also follow and use the official hashtag #BeCyberSmart on social media throughout the month.  


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