Security Assessments

Because better cybersecurity starts with a better approach.


People With a Plan

A Security Assessment from IGI is a solid foundation for an effective cybersecurity plan. We help you create scalable cybersecurity business plans, so you can meet ever-changing compliance and regulatory goals and make trust a differentiator for your business.

Cybersecurity Assessments that meet your unique needs.


Vulnerability Assessment

Our team is uniquely equipped to deliver comprehensive vulnerability assessments using our own industry-leading solution, Nodeware® to locate critical vulnerabilities in your environment.

Compliance Readiness

Through targeted compliance mapping and analysis specific to your industry, we can help meet your unique regulatory requirements while improving your security posture with a comprehensive plan.

Work From Anywhere

Remote work changes the cybersecurity dynamic. IGI’s Security Risk Assessment for remote workforces arms your team with all the tools and information to protect sensitive data, no matter their location.

Cloud Security

Cloud suppliers are focused on giving you great cloud solutions, but do you know how secure your cloud assets are? IGI is focused on cybersecurity, and cybersecurity alone and can fully assess your cloud security state.